Welcome Sister,
I am here to empower you to unleash your passion, power and purpose and share your healing gifts with the world!
I believe that as you heal, you are raising the collective consciousness and awakening to your true power as a leader aligned in love and truth.
Through deep self-healing, you are able to express your desires, be confident in who you are, and align with your soul’s true calling. You are here so you can feel centered, strong, empowered and unapologetic for who you are.
You are here to reclaim your sovereignty!

You know these things, yet you may feel:
Disempowered, disrespected, unworthy or not good enough
Stuck in your past trauma, outdated conditions and old beliefs
Lacking in confidence, passion or purpose
Undeserving of abundance, freedom or love
Fear, overwhelm and anxiety

I am here to mentor you through a deep journey of healing and awakening to your fullest potential.
I’m here for you to get through life’s deep initiations like career shifts, divorce, and motherhood to navigate them with safety, compassion and ease.
- You may be here as a woman just stepping on her healing path.
- You might be on your healing path but wanting to go deeper.
- You could be going through a major transition and need support.
- You might be creating a spiritual business and want to up level.

3 Ways You Can Work With Me

Coaching (1:1 + Groups)
My signature programs are an integrative coaching and healing process that empowers women to unleash their passion, power and purpose into the world and thrive!

Healing Arts (Energy/Breathwork)
(1:1 + Groups)
Deep and powerful clearing of the physical, mental, energetic and emotional bodies through a series of techniques that include Reiki, Shamanism, Guided Imagery, Inner Child Healing Work, Breathwork and Psychospiritual Coaching.

Certified Teacher Trainings – (Workshops, Online Courses, Retreats)
I am certified as a trainer in the alternative holistic wellness space (yoga, reiki and breathwork) so you can become certified and start your own healing business. Freedom Breathwork + Sound Healing, 500 E-RYT Yoga Teacher Trainer, Reiki Master Trainer.
Get started on your journey by booking a free 30 min clarity call with me.
Book My Free 30 Min Clarity CallWho I Am...
I am a Joyful, Aligned, Radiant, Soulful, Heartfelt, Powerful, Fierce, and Graceful Healer, Coach, Channeler and Teacher. 
Would you like to know how I went from feeling disempowered to helping hundreds of women become "The Empowered Woman" through my methodology?
Like many people, I struggled with self-doubt, confusion about my life's purpose, and unhealthy habits like drug and alcohol addiction.
Though I held corporate jobs, deep down I felt unhappy and stifled. Addiction was my escape, and I carried the weight of past abuse.
Everything changed in 2001 when my father passed away from AIDS. Our family had kept his illness a secret - a lie that birthed my truth. His death sent me on a 20-year journey of personal growth and self-discovery.
That year, I found Yoga. Yoga became my guiding light, propelling me on a spiritual pilgrimage to the East.
I ventured to Nepal, where I taught Yoga and began to truly understand the profound wisdom it held. That trip also connected me with my mission to support women.
When I returned from Nepal I raised thousands of dollars for the non-profit Room to Read to help educate girls.
In 2008, I became a certified Yoga teacher and shortly after, established my business.
But this was just the beginning.
My spiritual journey led me to Peru, where a Kundalini awakening in 2011 forever altered the course of my life.
I emerged as an energy healer dedicated to total transformation.
For a decade, I mentored under a Shamanic Healer, acquiring mastery in Shamanic Reiki and facilitated plant medicine ceremonies for 8 years.
Then a few years later in 2014, I remember feeling caught between worlds.
In my spiritual life, I felt light, love and so much joy.
Yet in the area of relationships, I remember feeling like I just couldn’t get it right.
I kept feeling like nothing was clicking and just kept having relationship breakups. I had a string of unhealthy relationships.
YET in 2015 I got pregnant, and I thought I had it ALL….
I had a new loving relationship.
Then I became a mom.
And out of nowhere my relationship shattered.
All of a sudden I was a single mom.
And if that wasn’t hard enough, I was now totally stressed, was now completely broke and had no time for myself.
Every dollar I made as a yoga teacher was now going to child care, nannies and I had no family around me.
I was overwhelmed and fell into victimization.
I was in a dark night of the soul.
I remember being so sad seeing my son struggle with his dad moving out.
I realized I was people pleasing, rescuing others, and blaming circumstances outside of myself.
I was not honoring red flags or speaking my truth due to past toxic experiences like sexual abuse.
I never learned how to ask the right questions.
I was lacking confidence in how to express my needs and desires.
I was not living in my authentic power.
I had not truly made peace with my past.
I had to take responsibility for how this was affecting my relationships and now would impact my son!
After this, I got private coaching.
I gathered all my tools.
I slowed down.
I prayed and surrendered.
I did the work I was teaching on myself through the modalities of yoga, meditation, breathwork, energy work, and coaching.
I realized I was being asked by Spirit to go even deeper inner my inner work than the last decade had taken me. And to integrate it all
Then I got a download from Source while in deep ceremony. I was shown how to create deep body-mind transformation through the time-tested and powerful modalities I had been using for over a decade that combine both ancient wisdom, shadow work, new age thought and energy medicine healing.
Here are the tools that I use to transform your life:
- Meditation to stabilize the mind
- Reiki energy healing, neo-shamanic healing techniques, hypnosis and breathwork practices to access the subtle body
- Mantras, Coaching, and Self-Inquiry practices for reprogramming the subconscious
- Dedicated embodiment practices to land everything in your body.

All of these will help you access the emotional body where the deep healing occurs.

Week by week, and month by month a new body of work was created that I now call "The Empowered Woman".
I've helped thousands of women break through limiting beliefs, find self-love and live with passion and purpose.
Together, we've unearthed self-love, nurtured unshakable confidence, and forged the foundations of healthy relationships.
My father's passing unlocked my purpose to teach people they have the power to heal, transform, and step into the radiant light of their true selves to experience love, joy and success!
I'm grateful to stand before you today as a living testament that, with courage and perseverance, we can overcome life's challenges.
By facing our darkness, we discover our light. My wish is to ignite that power within you so you too can live a life of passion, power and purpose!
I am a Certified Life Coach, Shamanic Reiki Master Trainer, Breathwork Teacher Trainer, E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher Trainer, Sound Healer, Podcaster, Author & Mother.
I have a podcast "Unleash the Priestess", as well as a co-authored book called, "Manifest Like a Goddess" that came out in Feb of 2022.
I have a Facebook community called "The Empowered Woman Visionary Collective". I offer Coaching, Intuitive Healings, Transformational Breathwork + Sound Healing Ceremonies, Women’s Empowerment Retreats, and workshops at large festivals like Burning Man, Lightning in a Bottle, Symbiosis, and Oregon Eclipse Festivals.
Nicole has been recognized as a Top Women Empowerment Coach by Coach foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.