Women's Empowerment Integrative Coaching & Healing 

The Empowered Woman: Unleash Your Passion, Power, and Purpose to Align With Your New Life!

I help empower women to live a life of passion, power and purpose so that they can experience more love, joy and success in their lives!  

I work with women who are experiencing identity shifts such as divorce, motherhood, leaving their corporate jobs, or creating their new businesses. Their old life and identity no longer fits and they wish to build a bridge to their new life!

This is a powerful, very unique signature 3 month Integrative
 Holistic Life Coaching & Somatic Healing Intensive that combines Weekly Life Coaching, Hypnotherapeutic Techniques, Guided Imagery, Meditation, Breathwork, Embodiment tools to explore different aspects of ourselves and our businesses to work through blocks and obstacles that may be holding us back from living our greatest life.  

In addition to weekly coaching calls, this includes a 12-week course with over 50 tools and action items!

Week by week, using the 
powerful architecture of your unique blueprint, the chakra system, we create real-time, life-changing, healing through all of the multidimensional layers of body-energy-emotions-and subconscious so that you can live in your highest potential NOW.

The six pillars of healing & transformation are: self-love, authentic self, confidence, healthy relationships, align with your purpose & integrated embodiment.

Learn More

Read Women's Program Results HERE! 

Certified Teacher Trainings, Workshops & Retreats  

MONTHLY WORKSHOPS: Join my newsletter!  I have monthly workshops in person & virtually listed in the newsletters.

WOMEN'S RETREATSJoin my newsletter!  I have annual Women's Retreats - next is Mount Shasta Oct 2024!

REIKI TRAININGS: Level I, II, Advanced + Master For upcoming dates: [email protected]


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