The Results That You Can Have Too...

Please read about the EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN that have shown tremendous devotion to their healing and transformation.  They are healers, therapists, coaches, educators, and mothers just like you. They moved through their fears, challenges, and limiting beliefs. They changed their behaviors to succeed in making huge shifts in their lives. This is not easy, but we think you’ll agree after reading their stories that anything is possible when you practice radical self-love and compassion.

It Is Completely Possible To:

  • Be personally responsible for your emotions and reactions
  • Be self-resourced, grounded and centered
  • Heal your trauma and find the teaching in it
  • Heal and forgive your past relationships and yourself
  • Have disciplined self-care and self-love practices
  • Express your needs
  • To know you are deserving and worthy
  • Communicate with kindness, love and compassion
  • Re-write your old narratives and limiting beliefs so you can shift your mindset and have clearer perspective
  • Reclaim your power and confidence
  • Align with your soul's purpose with clarity

Amelia Taylor

Registered Nurse


What was stopping me when I found this program was my own, self-limiting beliefs. I had outdated, conditioned ways of thinking that no longer were serving me. My attachments to my childhood mishaps and traumas were limiting my ability to forgive and let go. Prior to this coaching program, I also had a hard time saying no, or feeling guilty when I did.

My biggest takeaway is that my life is my choice and I get to chose the attitude, the outcomes, when I say yes and when I say no. I cannot wait to work through this again, maybe even take longer than a week with each action item (week) I absolutely LOVE the resources offered and hope to utilize many of them on a regular basis.

I have noticed a tremendous difference in my ability to discern how I am feeling about a situation or commitment, and make the right choice that is in alignment with my needs.

The experiences with Nicole of shadow work, inner child healing, forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude, self-love, and many many more will be a beautiful benefit as I learn to hold space in a healthy manner for others in my life."

Maria Tico

Life Coach


My biggest takeaway was learning how to understand my triggers and shadows in a spiritual and compassionate way, so I can navigate them and control my behaviors that got in the way of my happiness, relationships, and purpose.

I can now handle situations that have been difficult in the past, in a different way that will be not painful or dramatic. I am now expressing my needs and emotions with grace and respect. I feel more calm, compassionate, in control, and excited for the inspiration to create new possibilities.

I'm proud of myself for investing and doing this work at this very special time in my life and within the collective. I'm empowered by my freedom, my skills and my belief in my Higher Self. I feel my divine feminine with power, sensuality and love.

Nicole you were a great guide and coach, especially in the live sessions, which helped me with breakthroughs and understanding behaviors in a compassionate, but powerful way, igniting the divine feminine within." 

Therese A.


"I really loved your 12 week coaching program and felt like I learned about myself in a much deeper way. I was fascinated by learning about the chakra systems and learning to work through blocks at each level!

I got to some of the roots of my patterns that were no longer serving me. I learned about how the guilt I experience, relates to the part of me that identifies with the martyr, wanting to always take care of others. I learned to check-in with myself, and ask what I need, before taking care of others. I was able to become more mindful of my automatic response, and really think about what need of mine wasn’t being met. This has taught me to take a pause when I’m triggered, and process where it stems from more strategically.

The program helps you understand what blocks may be getting in your way, where they came from, and the ways they may manifest in your present-day life. Nicole provides tools, compassion, and strong guidance to help you work through them, so that you may come to develop an intimate relationship with yourself. With tools and working through our programming, healing is inevitable. Nicole will hold you accountable in a real and kind way and ask vital questions that help you to identify your goals, so that you may live in alignment with what you’re truly seeking.

Going through the program has taught me to love myself, and access greater abundance. I’ve learned ways to be in my power as a woman, so that I can show up in the world with more strength and loving awareness."

Katrina S.

Life Coach, Reiki Healer

This program is an opportunity to dig deep and release the old patterns that have been running loose inside me. I was feeling stuck in the life I was living and this program gave me clarity on why I wasn't able to move forward.

I now have the tools to move into a life based on true passion, truth, feelings, and light. I think I was able to make A LOT of gains during this course, especially in some areas with my family.

Some of my biggest takeaways were gaining insights into events that happened in the past that are still affecting me today, having the knowledge to understand the disconnect between my head and my body, and learning how to make decisions based on my heart and body, not my head! I have gained the awareness and the tools which will benefit me in the future when I am feeling uneasy.

I am proud of myself for finding the clarity that I needed and diving deeper within myself during this time. This program gives you a chance to unlock how you want to live your life and find your truth

Jessica Miller

Yoga Teacher Trainer

I was looking for something to help me really dig deep and release past trauma so I could lead a more peaceful life, moving forward. I have been to therapy before, but nothing seemed to really work for me. I've always walked away feeling like I needed tools, as well as the therapy sessions.

In the past, I was never given tools and a plan to follow in conquering my emotions, now I feel like I have a game plan to follow each time I feel something I would like to release. I was finally able to get ahead of these emotions that have had a solid grip on me for my entire life.

I'm proud of myself and how I made time for this. The homework and countless tools you gave each week after our meetings have proven invaluable to my healing and I've made really significant strides in releasing, healing, and forgiving past traumas and pain.

My meditation practice has really improved in length and concentration and being able to receive answers. I loved the journaling and the ones about stopping myself when feeling triggered. I mean I really loved all the action items and tools will continue to use them all!

My online meetings with you Nicole were wonderful. I loved being with someone who is like-minded and a powerful and insightful teacher and healer. I would highly recommend this program! 

Violet Lange

CEO Pleasure Path, Life Coach


Nicole has masterfully been helping me to reclaim my power, guide me back to my true vision for my life, provide me practices and inquiries to get grounded and aligned with my truth, unlock strength and insight that felt dormant, navigate with me a new sense of self that's true and given me permission to trust myself and my intuition.

This past year has been the most tumultuous year of my life. Nicole has helped me to find my power and celebrate who I am versus running away or jumping out. Nicole your guidance and wisdom are incredible. 



You have been beyond an amazing coach. You helped open up my life path and to understand it and move forward

My biggest takeaway is being able to learn more about the energy systems in my body and learning how to connect with Mother Earth, Source, and all the Angels. I feel more activated and balanced in my life as a single mom.

I definitely had learned about my blocked chakras and how I was leaking my energy. I have learned to take time back for my self-care. Now, my morning meditation time has gone up to 25 mins!

If you would like life transformation, Unleash the Priestess is an amazing program. It will help you to heal your childhood trauma and unblock life’s deepest secrets. You will become connected to your body and our world.

There is a high priestess inside of you too!



Cosmic Colorist

The Unleash the Priestess journey helped me to feel more grounded, centered, and confident in myself. I knew I could no longer go for the quick fixes and needed to do the deeper work.

I have learned that it's okay to feel, all that I feel, like a woman. I now feel safer in myself and more connected to a Higher Source.

I feel more present and relaxed. I’m so much more comfortable with who I am and now I’m attracting people into my life that are a reflection of that new Self.

I’m grateful for the spiritual and self-care practices I’ve created for myself. My new mantra is to have an open heart and a strong backbone.

Thank you for this life-changing journey.

Wendy Sereika

Senior Sales Executive

I realized that before this program I was so busy blaming others. This program helped me acknowledge and address some deep-rooted trauma.

Through this program, I let it go, the weight of the world has been lifted. My perspective changed and suddenly it's quiet, peaceful- I have time to focus on creating and have a newfound realization that anything & everything is possible. If you can dream it, you can make it a reality.

Through Unleash the Priestess I had to take responsibility for myself, my actions, my reactions. I had to dig deep & realize that I am the only one that can make me happy. I had to learn to let go of emotions that no longer served me & step into a place of peace, balance, love.

It has given me a clear perspective on how to deal with any issue that arises. Tools like NVC, acknowledgment of what others might be feeling or going through. A whole new perspective.

Nicole, you are amazing. You have given me a deeper understanding of spirituality. This is ending too soon, but I am going to continue on my spiritual journey and want to take more classes on shamanism & reiki. I loved the action items. I will absolutely use them in the future

Risa A.

Yoga Teacher Trainer


The biggest takeaway for me was greater clarity of my strength, my light, and my power.

You did a wonderful job of keeping me engaged. I have let go of belief systems that were no longer serving me. I am definitely much more aware of energy leaking, money leaking, and negative self-talk. You validated my fear, my sadness, my old belief systems, and helped me move away from them and reframe them into a positive.

I need to continue redeveloping my discipline of self-care and self-love. The action items were powerful. The affirmations, mirror work, journaling, and meditations all had a huge impact on me. I would say to women that this is a powerful awakening. An opportunity to really look deep inside and to gain sight of our higher Self.

S. Jones

Commercial Real Estate

The Unleash the Priestess Within program was amazing. Before we began I was feeling not good enough. I was tired of carrying the burden of others. I needed to let go of rescuing other people.

I learned how to accept that I am not responsible for what others think and feel. I know that I can only be responsible for myself.

With all the tools and one-on-one support I was given I realized that my emotional pain is temporary. My negative past experiences were only stories in my head that I needed to heal. I could then create new relationships to them and change my mindset.

I learned how to breathe deeply. Go in with an open mind and this program will change your life! 

Laura Long

VP Human Resources Kaiser, Coaching Client

I no longer have the fear that I had before. I needed to heal trauma from the past to move forward. I was being held captive to my guilt of past decisions.

I started prioritizing my health and family over work. My husband said to me just this past week- "So great to have my Laura back!"

I loved this program! I loved the weekly summary and prep for the following week. This was super helpful in helping me curate content for longer term integration. I loved the meditation on future self, creating a pie chart of my time, THE MANTRAS!!! and really really benefited from thinking through the work/life balance shifts in personal growth, career, relationships etc.

I am stronger in knowing I do deserve a peaceful life.

There were so many takeaways, but the BEST was reclaiming the power I had to make a change for self care and self-love!

I feel lighter and can't wait to continue working on this so I can get to my goal of more liberation. :-)

I recommend this as a healing, self-discovery journey to help you reclaim your power and let go of the .baggage not serving you.

Melanie Venter-Roit

Public Relations Executive

I had many big takeaways from the Unleash the Priestess Within program. I realized that I have been playing out a story that I am a victim. I had been people-pleasing and being a rescuer due to a deeply rooted old narrative of unworthiness. I became aware of my leaking energies and that my masculine and feminine energies were not balanced.

My self-awareness and understanding have grown exponentially. I have learned that speaking my truth and creating boundaries is a necessity I know now fully I am the architect to create the life I desire.

This program was beautiful, thoughtful, and comprehensive.

I plan to make this work a lifelong journey of ongoing growth. I loved the program and tools! I’m using my SMART goals, my vision board, and my meditations STILL!

I highly recommend working with Nicole Doherty! Thank you!

Brandy Davis

CFO Accounting Firm

My initial intention for coaching was with the goal of diet/food.

I realized through the program that there were emotional and mental barriers that were much deeper that were the core issues.

I was hiding my power behind my pain and weight. I began a meditation practice and now I meditate 15 - 45 min a day. This is one of the most impactful parts of the coaching.

Now, I am aware of my emotions and subconscious programming and how that affects my choices. I am more conscious about everything in my life. I know what I desire. I am visioning in all categories of my life and how they relate to my purpose. I feel more trusting and safe around people and with myself and my intuition. I can find compassion and forgiveness.

I have a much deeper connection to Spirit and my guides. My experience with Nicole has greatly improved my life in many ways! 

Cierra P

Health Industry

When we started this program I was feeling a lot of self-doubt and a lack of patience. I was holding myself back from pursuing new projects or ideas and heavily in self-judgment and sabotage.

One of my biggest takeaways from your program is that where I was stagnant before, now I have gained direction and clarity as well as tools to carry forward on my continuing journey of healing and growth. I have a greater sense of trust in my abilities and my intuition. I am continuing to expand in more areas of self growth such as spiritual, emotional, physical, and material.

This program gave me tools to look into my core and heal myself through energy and love and reflection. It is valuable because of the simple, yet powerful tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

I really enjoyed journaling because I have always enjoyed writing, and for a long time I just felt stuck and didn’t know where to start. With the self-reflections it was like a dam broke and a lot of the time I could not stop writing! I also enjoyed the recorded meditations and visualizations, as they really helped me process emotions and energy in a more creative way.

I definitely will be using a lot of these tools, again and again, moving forward and using the outline of this work as some inspiration as I continue to grow my own practice.

The way you present the work to your clients makes it very fun and easy to be enthusiastic about it. I appreciate the focus on accountability!

I have loved connecting with you! Even though our process has felt long and intense at times, it feels like it went by in a flash! So much gratitude!


This program has been powerful, life-changing, eye-opening and transformative. I was feeling stuck and in battle with myself, looking for a way to go deeper within, not only to discover my problems but to learn how to actually heal the root cause of them. I feel like this program lifted the veil that led to clarity around around making some substantial, difficult life decisions. I recognized I was not able to speak my needs and desires and therefore was unable to live my truth within my relationships. Now I understand the shadow work and will remember to act out of love versus my fears, which will lead me to the right alignment within myself and others. I now have tools that I can practice and I now know how to listen to my body, my feelings and myself through a trusting lens. I feel empowered by the ability to make decisions and changes that are aligned with who I am.

Sara S.

Marketing Executive

Nicole, your program is absolutely incredible and transformational. I loved so many parts. I feel like I could literally write for hours about this (and I did in my journal)! What I absolutely loved the most was the ceremony experiences, especially the breathwork ceremony. I also really enjoyed the guided journeywork. Those recordings led to some of my most powerful realizations. I released my limiting beliefs about $$$. I let go of my perfectionism and need to people please - existing in a career that society deems successful and admirable, but does not bring me joy. Throughout this program, I learned so much about myself. I set out on this journey to gain understanding of myself and my purpose. I would describe this as a transformational healing journey + future planning to live a life designed by you. Including inner child healing, chakra work, practical tools and exercises, ceremonial work, and 1:1 sessions. Get ready to open your heart and step into your purpose!

D. Kenneally

"In our time together I received tools to deal with stress, I learned how to identify triggers, and deal with them more positively, learned about the chakra energy system and got a broader interpretation of meditation. This really helped me to remove self-imposed beliefs and become aware of new opportunities for my life. Unleash the Priestess can help you understand your core wounds, heal and change your response to others. It will improve your physical, emotional and spiritual well being.

Rasha Pensanti

Corporate Marketing Executive

Some of my biggest takeaways - getting a new sense of awareness regarding patterns in my life that hold me back, and ways to combat them. A daily meditation practice. Confidence that I can be a successful coach. Self-love practices. Clarity on where I am going and actionable steps for what I need to do.

Nicole is incredible and working with her will change your life! She is an extremely gifted goddess that will help you heal your past, so you can show up in your present life, full of personal power. She will reconnect you with true self. Your Higher Self. It's hard work. She asks you to go deep, and be honest and dedicate a lot of time. But its all part of her master plan to help you grow and meet your goals.

The entire way she will hold your hand and heart!



My biggest takeaway in this program with you is that I can make choices out of strength versus operating in fear.

I realized through this program and the healing work that I was unable to name and acknowledge what wasn’t working in a few areas of my life. I was not linking my current inactions with the fear and old belief systems that stemmed from my childhood.

For me the healing work, journaling, mantras and guided visualizations like the womb healing and chord cutting helped me to release stuck emotions, shift my awareness and move me beyond these realizations to take actions based on courage and awareness.

I describe this as actionable therapy. This has been a very healing journey for me that will continue to create more changes in my life. Thank you! 

Sarah vale


I am feeling great. I am feeling really independent and strong with who I am.

The program with Nicole, helped me to take the phrase "you can do anything you put your mind to" and shift it to not just words, but a deep-seeded understanding that I can truly do anything I put my attitude to.

The tools you equipped me with by being a reflection of my own power helped me to realize that I had that power all along. When I started the program I was insecure, codependent in an unhealthy relationship, and grieving the loss of my father.

Now after having completed the program I feel truly free to use life, my mind, emotions, and body as tools to create the life of my dreams. Instead of being afraid of the dark parts of my past I can use them as tools to understand how I relate to life and not let them define me anymore.

I feel deeply connected to my own light love and power that I am. I feel not alone but one with all. In that oneness I feel my dad's personality in that way, that with his passing or rather expanding into the great oneness, the more I connect to that the more I can feel his presence.

Everything that I admired about him, his drive, one-pointedness, ability to find the fun in everything and his attitude that we get to be here. I feel that acting through me. I feel his love coming through me from the inside and therefore, I feel a greater love for myself and all the parts of my personality that are like him.

Thank you for this program and how it helped me to get off the sidelines of my life and become the author of my own story.


Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer

Before working with Nicole I struggled with recognizing and harnessing my personal power. I would often look toward external sources for validation, easily got caught up in the "how" and logistics of things, and did not fully understand how to effectively nurture and hold space for myself for the wounds I carried and belief systems that needed to be re-evaluated.

During the program, I was encouraged to have an open and kind conversation with my ego without it feeling threatened when faced with fear or controlling tendencies. Rather than perpetuating old stories or burying my shadow even deeper, I was shown ways to tap into the courage, compassion, and patience needed to pose the right questions and challenge the underlying program so that I can take inspired action in healing myself and step into the potential I know I am capable of.

The practices and assignments I was given helped awaken a side of me that inherently knows that I can trust myself as well as exercise how to intuitively feel into right action. My heart feels fuller and brighter knowing that I've let go of a lot of baggage and learned how to fine-tune my own energetic blueprint so that I truly have the ability to co-create my reality and magnetize what I desire. I feel much more ready to be seen and heard in addition to feeling very well equipped on how to fulfill, take care of, and love myself.

Here’s some resources that give you a little taste of transformation... 

Breathwork Ceremony and Sound Healing Session

Shift your body quickly + effectively and experience: Improved circulation, Enhanced Memory, Better Sleep, and Relaxation. This can access the subconscious limiting beliefs that are stopping you from living in your Highest Self.

Attend Now

Chord Cutting Ceremony Digital Masterclass  

I’d like to invite you to my #1 tool that clients love because of the powerful shifts they experience from it. Through relaxation and powerful intention, you can get to the origins of your core conditioning quickly. You can access your subconscious mind and your childhood to literally re-write narratives and live more presently and fully through clearing your emotions.  

As a result, you will find forgiveness, self-love, reclaim your power and align with your soul. 

Learn More

Choose Your Path

Book a 30 Min Clarity Call to talk with me. 

Book My 30 Min Clarity Call